Acupuncture is the idea that human body is a self-healing dynamic whole,
full of energy and vitality, which is being constantly regenerated and
rebalanced within. Acupuncture is a method of encouraging the body to
promote natural healing and to improve functioning by redirecting or
realigning this energy called QI (Chi). Qi or energy flows and
circulates through the body and over its surface in a network of
channels. These energy channels are called Meridians. There are 14
meridians.12 paired,2 unpaired and 8 secondary meridians. Each of these
has a body organ or system associated to it.
Treasure was invented according to the ancient Chinese acupuncture
therapy, acupressure therapy, electric pulse therapy and magnetic
you apply acupressure on the acupoints, the focused high energy
magnetic cluster will function through skin thus clearing and activating
the channels and collaterals, promoting micro circulation of the body,
regulate the disorder in bio-electric field and magnetic field by the
way of scanning and injecting certain electric pulse to prevent diseases
and achieve healthcare effects.
How to Use
- Press:- Press the pin point of acupoint on certain acupoint or on the pain area, using 100-500 gm force (as can tolarate)
- Scan:-
While pressing, circling the pinpoint of acupoint treasure on the
acupoint clockwise or counter clockwise (like massaging) and at the same
time scanning the acupoint with the magnetic beam to change the static
magnetism into dynamic and change the bio-electrical field of the part
of the body and by this way speeds up the circulation of blood, clears
obstruction of the channels and make the curing effect more significant.
- Pulse:-
Pressing the acupoint 1 to 5 minutes and giving the necessary acupoint
an electric pulse can clear and activate the channels and collaterals
and get the desired effect.
Electric pulse is usually used for chronic diseases and is not given on
all points, it can give only on main channels and it can be used only
once per day. The useful life of the electric pulse is generally 5000
times/ piece.
Acupoint Treasure effective in
- Clearing and activating the channels and collaterals, Regulating blood pressure
- Inflammation,
Shoulder pain, Knee pain, Waist pain, Nerve pain, Arthritis, Migraine,
Headache, Sinusitis, Constipation, Back ache, Insomnia, Hemorrhoids,
Paralysis, Cholecystitis, Chronic Nephritis, Bronchial Asthma and many
- NOTE: Follow the relative acupoints according to Chinese acupuncture theory and practice.
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